
    Frequently Asked Questions about Threads Analytics


    What is Threads Analytics?

    Threads Analytics is a type of tool that provides detailed insights into your Threads account performance. It tracks various metrics such as follower count, post engagement, and reach, helping you understand how your content is performing and where you can improve.The Threads Dashboard is exactly such a tool.

    How can I track the performance of my Threads posts?

    You can use Threads Dashboard to track the performance of your Threads posts. After logging in with your Threads account, you can see data for the past 7 days, including views, likes, and shares for your latest 5 posts. For more detailed analysis, you can view data for 30 days, 60 days, or even all your posts.

    What metrics are available in Threads Analytics?

    Threads Dashboard provides a variety of metrics to help you analyze your Threads performance. These include:

    • Views: The number of times your posts have been viewed.
    • Likes: The number of likes your posts have received.
    • Shares: The number of times your posts have been shared. ...

    How can I share my Threads Analytics data with others?

    Threads Dashboard offers a convenient feature to share your analytics data. By clicking the "Share Threads" button, you can generate a personalized data screenshot. This screenshot can be saved and shared directly on the Threads platform, allowing you to showcase your impressive performance to your followers.

    Is Threads Dashboard safe to use?

    Yes, Threads Dashboard is safe to use. It utilizes the official and secure API authorized by Threads and collaborates with Meta. The application undergoes regular reviews by Meta to ensure the security and privacy of your personal data.

    Can I view historical data on Threads Dashboard?

    Yes, Threads Dashboard allows you to view historical data. You can access data for the past 30 days, 60 days, or even all the posts you've ever made. This helps you understand long-term trends and patterns in your Threads performance.

    How do I get started with Threads Dashboard?

    Getting started with Threads Dashboard is easy. Simply visit threadsdashboard.com, log in with your Threads account, and start exploring your data. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and find the insights you need to optimize your Threads strategy.